Nedungamuwa Maha Vidyalaya Gurutalawa Community Service Project `23/`24


The objective of this Scout community service project is to contribute meaningfully to a school in need. Through collective efforts, our goal is to uplift the school’s learning environment, enhance its infrastructure, and foster a sense of unity within the community. By providing essential resources, improving facilities, and promoting educational empowerment, we aim to make a lasting positive impact on the Nedungamuwa Maha Vidyalaya Gurutalawa students’ lives and create a foundation for sustainable development in the area.

Nendungamuwa Maha Vidyalaya is a well known school in Gurutalawa nurturing young minds, housing both primary and secondary sections with a total of 191 primary students and 266 secondary students. Unfortunately, it currently contends with issues that hamper its educational mission. Notably, the main hall’s deterioration due to roof leakage and damaged flooring disrupts regular school activities. Additionally, the collapsed perimeter fence has led to wildlife intrusion and further property damage. Neglected maintenance has also left the school’s appearance lacklustre, with unpainted walls affecting the overall ambiance.

Recognizing the importance of a conducive learning environment, 39th Colombo Scout Troop has embarked on a mission to address these challenges. The proposed project is dedicated to revitalizing Nendungamuwa Maha Vidyalaya by repairing the main hall, reinforcing the fence, and rejuvenating the appearance of the school through necessary painting.

By partnering with the school and engaging our dedicated Scouts, volunteers, and local community, 39th Colombo Scout Troop aspires to transform Nendungamuwa Maha Vidyalaya into a safe, inspiring, and vibrant space where students can learn and grow unhindered. Through the group combined efforts, Scout Troop aims to not only mend physical structures but also uplift the spirits of the students, educators, and the entire school community.

The Main Hall Restoration Project was disapproved by the Zonal office as the building integrity was marked as not safe resulting the project pathway to a development pathway.

The estimated doument has been attached for your reference

Project: Restoration of drainage system infornt of the School Mathematics room and the Laboratory.

Estimated cost: 112,500.00 – Mentioned in the PDF, Signed by the Principal

Financial Contributions:

Enter your Financial contribution details in this google form

Item Contributions:

Item contributions can be sent to 39th Colombo Scout Troop – S. Thomas’ Preparatory School Kollupitiya. Please use these details to inquire about the instructions or any inquiry.

Senior Scout Adchayan: 077 595 9026
Senior Scout Sassvinth: 078 599 1677


Problems Faced – No Longer Following

Main Hall Restoration

Main hall spans 100 feet in length and 22 feet in width. The roof structure is wooden, base support structure near the entrance has been severely damaged by termites. The stage and the floor has been heavily damaged by poor quality of the construction. Some of the wooden window frames are missing along with a few glass windows missing. Certain parts of the wall need to be smoothened.

Some window frames are missing, and certain window bases have to be repaired.

Tasks Assessed:

Roof pillar replacement (Base at the entrance and one pillar replacement supporting asbestos sheets)Not Chosen – Zonal Education Office has chosen
Window frame construction with 57 (1’ x 1.5’) glasses replaced including locksChosen
Breaking and cementing a 20’ x 20’ part of the severely damaged floor including plastering all the damaged parts with cementChosen
Reducing the height of the stage and cementing the floorNot Chosen
Putting and smoothening the interior wall and exterior wallChosen
Painting the interior and exterior wallChosen
Beautification of the School Gym Building interiorChosen

Items which can be donated

Ways to Donate

Each item can be donated in small parts. For an example: 5 x 4L Brilliant White Emulsion paint needed. Anyone who would like to donate items could donate any amount. Donor can donate in item wise or financially.

.Items from the Cost Breakdown List

  • Brilliant White Emulsion Paint 1L x 20 Off White Rubber paint 1L x 20Enamel Paint Antique Brown 1L x 8Black Enamel Paint 1L x 8Red floor paint 1L x 2

  • Black Floor Paint 1L x 3
  • Sport Items
    • Used Sport Shoes – Spike Shoes, Basketball Shoes or Boxing Shoes which are usable
    • New or Used Kabaddi Shoes – Free sizes x 10 pairs
    • New or Used Footballs, Volleyballs, or any athletic equipment
    • New or Used Dumbbells 5KG, 10KG
    • New or Used Rubber Coated Olympic Weight Plates: 1.25KG, 2.5KG, 5KG, 10KG
    • New or Used Curl Bar
    • New or Used Yoga Mats
  • Science Lab Equipment: Up-to Ordinary Level
    • Any 3d Charts/ Charts
      • Heart 3D Anatomical Chart
      • Chart for Eye
      • The Skeletal System
    • Mini Torso 12 Parts
    • Human Heart Model
    • Ph Paper
    • Earth Globe
    • Any Other
  • Stationary Items
    • A4 Paper Bundle
    • Whiteboard Markers
    • Chalk for Black board

Financial Contributions:

Enter your Financial contribution details in this google form

Item Contributions:

Item contributions can be sent to 39th Colombo Scout Troop – S. Thomas’ Preparatory School Kollupitiya. Please use these details to inquire about the instructions or any inquiry.

Senior Scout Adchayan: 077 595 9026
Senior Scout Sassvinth: 078 599 1677
