Attendance Policy

  • Regular Meetings: Scouts are expected to attend all regular weekly meetings unless they have a valid excuse.
  • Prior Commitments: If a Scout has a prior commitment that conflicts with a regular meeting, they must notify the Scout Leader by Tuesday at the latest. The Scout Leader will then determine if the absence is excused.
  • Medical Emergencies: If a Scout is unable to attend a meeting due to a medical emergency, they must provide a valid medical document by the doctor to the Scout Leader by Tuesday of the following week.
  • Other Excuses: If a Scout is unable to attend a meeting for any other reason, they must provide a written explanation to the Scout Leader by Tuesday at the latest. The Scout Leader will then determine if the absence is excused.

Unexcused Absences

  • Two or More Absences: If a Scout misses two or more regular meetings consecutively without a valid excuse, they will be contacted by the Scout Leader. The Scout Leader will work with the Scout and their parents to develop a plan to improve their attendance. Only two excuses will be valid for an academic term.
  • Continued Unexcused Absences: If a Scout continues to miss regular meetings without a valid excuse consecutively, they may be asked to leave the troop with a final warning letter.

Why Attendance is Important

  • Scouting is a continuous program: Scouting is designed to be a continuous program of learning and growth. When Scouts miss meetings, they miss out on important learning opportunities.
  • Leaders put a lot of time and effort into planning meetings: Scout leaders are volunteers who donate their time and energy to planning and leading meetings. When Scouts miss meetings, it is disrespectful to the leaders who have put in so much work.
  • Low attendance can impact the group: When attendance is low, it can be difficult for leaders to plan and execute activities. It can also be discouraging for Scouts who attend regularly to see their peers missing meetings.

How to Improve Attendance

  • Talk to your Scout Leader: If you are having trouble attending meetings, talk to your Scout Leader. They may be able to help youdevelop a plan to improve your attendance.
  • Set goals: Set goals for yourself and track your progress. This can help you stay motivated to attend meetings.
  • Make a commitment: Make a commitment to yourself and your Scout leaders that you will attend all regular meetings.
  • Get involved: Get involved in your troop and make it a place you want to be. The more involved you are, the more likely you are to want to attend meetings.

Thank you for your cooperation!